Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Cute Little Ginger!

A couple of weeks ago i got my self a hamster. Her name is Ginger Pye (like the book I recently read). She is a cream, well ginger color. I picked this exact one because she is just the cutest thing you'll ever see!

She is pretty much a cute little OCD hamster. Why you might ask? She will line her "Recycled Food" under her wheel or next to her food dish. Also will make a huge mess by spitting out bedding on the desk or peeing in her ball!!!!

Besides all her crazy-ness she is still my little fluffy ball, who gives you dirty looks if you disturb her sleep. Well i will continue writing if she does any crazy things.
Always Love,
jessie bella


  1. How adorable!! She seems really cute. Love the pictures you took!

  2. Oh I love her, Jess!! I love little furry rodents, we used to have guinea pigs as kids and we loved them!!

  3. How cute Jesse! Bethanie wanted a hamster at one time and we went to the pet store to look. The girl helping us reached in the cage, picked up a hamster and it bit her. She immediately dropped it and Bethanie said, "I don't think I want a hamster now!"
    Does Ginger bite?
    Welcome to the blog world!

  4. "Recycled food" is funny! Yes, she is pretty much the cutest thing ever!

  5. Oh, Jessi, we have sad hamster stories in our family. Keep her safely locked up, cats and hamsters don't mix. She is adorable though, I can see why you adore her.

  6. No she doesn't bit unless you have food o your hands

  7. Jesse, you've been tagged!
    See my blog for details!
    Love you!

  8. Hi! You've been tagged. See my blog for details. Love you, Jess!
